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作者:段启明 · 2006-06-30 来源:凯风网




  李洪志的非法“传法”活动,引起了政府有关部门和中国佛教协会 、中国气功科学研究会以及社会各方面的关注。公安部、国家新闻出版署、中国佛教协会、中国气功科学研究会都对李洪志及“法轮佛法”做出过决定或批评。李洪志和“法轮功”组织根本无视这些决定和批评,仍然大量出版李洪志的著作,继续进行传法活动。李洪志在其讲法和著作中把所有对他的批评均视为“魔在干扰”,要练习者经受住各种考验,不信不传,并借用信徒的话说“怕什么,头掉了身子还在打坐。”(《法轮佛法——精进要旨》第94页)中国佛教协会在其内部刊物《研究动态》和公开出版的《法音》杂志发表文章,揭露李洪志的“法轮佛法”是“附佛外道”,是“邪教”。一些地方刊物如《钱塘周末》等也进行了揭露。宗教文化出版社出版了《佛教气功与“法轮功”》。针对这些揭露,“法轮功”组织做了不少工作,有组织有计划地组织练习者向政府有关部门、向赵朴初会长、向中央领导写信告状,并且把这些信在社会上广为散发,向中国佛教协会、宗教文化出版社、向政府有关部门施加压力。新闻出版署和公安部一局也就“法轮功”问题在内部简报和通知中或对其活动情况进行反映,或请地方部门关注其活动,受到李洪志及其组织的反对,在国际互联网上、在练习者中发布指示,声言要追究这些部门的责任。一些地方的党政组织因发现炼“法轮功”或宣扬迷信,损害社会主义精神文明建设和人们的身心健康,或致使有的人精神失常,甚至致人死亡,出面干预其活动,都遭到他们的围攻。《光明日报》、《北京日报》、《中国青年报》、《健康报》、《北京电视台》等新闻媒体都因发表有关批评李洪志和“法轮佛法”的文章或消息,都遭到“法轮功”有组织的围攻。今年,天津教育学院主办的《青少年科技博览》杂志发表何祚庥先生的一篇“青少年不宜炼气功”的文章,其中点了“法轮功”。天津“法轮功”组织,先后动员天津及唐山、东北等地上数千名练习者,于4月17日至23日连续七天围攻天津教育学院。23日晚被公安和武警干警劝离后,又有千余名练习者到天津市委骚扰。尽管他们提出的理由都站不住脚,但它却能煽动起群众来。这很值得我们注意。如果我们不及时采取措施,李洪志和“法轮功”组织有可能制造更大的事端。



Duan Qiming: The harm Li Hongzhi and Falun Gong organization brought to society

Under the guise of Qigong and Buddhism, Falun Gong, headed by Li Hongzhi, opposes science and culture, advocates superstition and ignorance, produces and preaches heresy. It also propagandizes a set of new theology tenets centered on Li Hongzhi personality cult, with every hope of extolling Li Hongzhi to the skies as a supreme religious and social leader in the whole world. Li Hongzhi himself holds numerous preaching lectures, setting up and developing his illegal organizations—general tutoring stations and tutoring stations, which are neither Qigong groups nor religious ones. With his illegal books, video, tapes, pictures and so on, Li Hongzhi has influenced millions of people both at home and abroad. With the main feature of cults and resemblance to Huidao Men organization in the old society, Li Hongzhi and his illegal organizations severely interfere with China's strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education, and socialist spiritual civilization construction. They deceive disciples and harm people's mental health, which make Li and his Falun Gong a threat to social stability.

I. Falun Gong propagandizes a set of theology tenets centered on apotheosizing Li Hongzhi, opposing science and culture, poisoning his disciples and the public

 At the very beginning, Falun Fofa, also referred to as "Falun Fofa Da Yuanman Fa", "Falun Dafa" or "the most fundamental law in the universe", appeared as Qigong among the general public. But Li Hongzhi reiterated that his "'Falun Fofa' is not something just for curing diseases and body building; instead, it focuses on practicing, which could ferry people to heaven". He propagandized his theology repeatedly, both in his preaching lectures and his publications. According to his idea, everything in the world, no matter the universe, a molecule or an atom, is arranged by God. Buddha, Dao and God exist everywhere. Men, created by God, just fall from the sky one layer after another. He considers science as hostile and denies all scientific achievements. The current science, in his eyes, developed from a wrong starting point, therefore, all the knowledge about the universe, human beings and human lives is wrong. That is why he doesn't acknowledge the current science at all.

Li Hongzhi excludes and opposes all religions, regarding his "Falun Fofa" as the "true law" overriding all other religions, and himself as the sole and supreme wise man. In his opinion, it is declining time now and the human society is to be destroyed, "the wise man" just stands aside. "A great number of religions in today's world can not ferry people", as Li Hongzhi said, "I'm the only one in the world who is preaching the true law. I'm doing something nobody has done before. I just open a door during the declining period, which is really unprecedented." ("Zhuan Falun", P90)

Li Hongzhi boasted about his Fofa as "the most profound, mysterious and supernatural". "Fofa ranges from being infinitesimal to infinity. It can be as small as a particle or molecule, or as large as the universe. Fofa includes everything, and embodies the thorough understanding of all mysteries." ("Zhuan Falun", the Analects) "Truth, compassion and forbearance, the supreme embodiment of Fofa, are the most fundamental Fofa." Li Hongzhi referred to this so-called Fofa as "the most profound mystery of the nature", a feature which existed in all substances. ("Zhuan Falun", P12, 334,335) Li bragged his "Zhuan Falun" to be "a book beyond normal people's knowledge, a book of the heaven, and a book that leads you to the heaven". "You can learn the theories from nowhere else in the world, even if you have learnt all the subjects." ("Falun Fofa"—preaching in Sydney, P15-35) "The infinite universe, countless Buddha, Dao and God, Lord and the Deity of all levels are all learning this." ("The Interpretation of Zhuan Falun", P26-27)

Li Hongzhi apotheosized himself to be a new savior more supreme than Sakyamuni, Laozi, Confucius or even Jesus. Trained to be in a high level of "mundane Dharma", Li claimed to have "Dharma body", which enabled him to protect his disciples and even the human race. He said, "people, after being trained to be in a certain high level of  mundane Dharma, will have Dharma body, which, consisting of Fa(or Dharma) and Gong, exits in diaphragm (dantian) and is embodied in outer space. Dharma body has its own strong power, but the consciousness and thought are still controlled by the subject. Nevertheless, Dharma body itself is a complete and independent life entity, therefore, it is capable of doing anything on its own. Things done by Dharma body are completely the same with what people's main consciousness wants to do. " "Dharma body can be enlarged and narrowed down. Sometimes it is so large that its head cannot be seen completely, and sometimes it is even smaller than a cell." ("Zhuan Falun", P172-173) He claimed to have numerous "Dharma bodies", which were ubiquitous. He said, "Every word of this book (i.e. 'Zhuan Falun') is my Dharma body. Every word is the image of my Dharma body, and the image of Buddha. I have too many Dharma bodies to be counted." "No matter how many people there are, I can manage them. I can manage the whole human race." ("Falun Fofa—preaching in Sydney", P70-106) Through his "Falun Gong" organization, Li Hongzhi published and distributed illegally his greatly enlarged picture with cassock on him for disciples to worship at home or tutoring stations, in order to establish his personal authority as a "bishop".

Li Hongzhi reiterated that the feature of "Falun Fofa" was that he could equip the disciples with a "Falun(or dharma wheel)" in their lower abdomen, which could ferry themselves and others. He said, "Falun(or dharma wheel) is the epitome of the universe. When turning in a clockwise direction, the Falun can automatically absorb the energy from the universe; while when turning counter-clockwise, the Falun will release energy. Turning clockwise can ferry oneself and turning counter-clockwise can ferry others is the main feature of our Falun Fofa." ("Zhuan Falun", P158-159) He also said that as long as he put a Falun into one's body, a mode of "Fa training people" would be generated. Even if you don't practice, the Falun will grow itself. Your practice will enhance "the mechanism and dharma wheel". Practicing Falun Gong applies to anyone of any social status, any profession or any age group, with no limit of time, place, direction or conditions. Li also claimed that "this Falun is too precious to be measured by value. If you are not destined to have it, no matter how much efforts you make, you still cannot get it." ("Falun Fofa Dayuanman Fa", P5) Li mentioned that as long as you listened to his preaching or tapes, or watched his video, you would get his "Falun".

II. Under the guise of "Qigong", with the coat of "Buddhism", Li Hongzhi set up illegal organizations and held illegal activities

At the initial stage of preaching, Li Hongzhi appeared as practicing Qigong in order to deceive people and win trust. It was a mistake for China Association of Qigong Science to take him as "Qigong master", and his faction was admitted as a subordinate faction on August 14, 1993. Meanwhile, "Falun Gong Professional Committee" was agreed to set up. On July 27, 1997, the Press and Publication Administration of Liaoning Province (PRAL) issued an announcement to investigate into Li`s publications. Forwarding the examination decision on Li's publications by General Administration of Press and Publication, PRAL confiscated and sealed off such books as "China's Falun Gong", "Zhuan Falun", "Zhuan Falun (Volume 2)", "The Interpretation of Falun Dafa" and "China's Shentong Dafa". In 1998, the Press and Publication Administration of Guangdong Province banned the book "Falun Fofa—preaching in the United States" published by Huacheng Publishing House of Guangdong Province. China Association of Qigong Science found out in the investigation that Li Hongzhi, during his preaching, "apotheosized himself without restraints, propagandized feudalism and superstition, and produced political rumors". Therefore, it was decided on December 28, 1996 that Falun Gong should be cancelled. This decision was reiterated on November 10, 1997. So neither Falun Gong is Qigong, nor Falun Gong organization a Qigong group. Li Hongzhi's publications are not legal, either. However, after that decision, Li Hongzhi still gave preaching reports as a Qigong master, propagandizing his absurd theory, in many large and media-sized cities, where he set up "general tutoring stations", "tutoring stations", "sub-stations" and "activity spots". In the form of tutoring stations, Li conducted preaching activities in parks, open spaces and places provided by some departments. Falun Gong already exceeded his authority and territory to publish, spread and propagandize theology tenets centered on apotheosizing Li Hongzhi. From the top down to the grass roots, a relatively stable and rigorous organization and preaching network came into being with Li Hongzhi as the "bishop", "the Research Institute of Falun Dafa" as the leading organization, and "general tutoring stations" and "tutoring stations" as the system. It had a set of mental shackles to deceive, threaten and intimidate people. No matter from his traveling and preaching around the world, or from Li's illegal publications, all signs showed that Li Hongzhi and his Falun Gong organization, with complicated social background, were not only supported by some people within the Communist Party, but also got considerable financial support. Surely support and assistance from hostile forces both at home and abroad could not be excluded. Falun Gong organization was a blind, crazy and illegal one armed with theology tenets centered on apotheosizing Li Hongzhi. Of course most of the disciples were direct victims of Li's deceit, threat and intimidation.

III. Li Hongzhi's "Falun Fofa" severely harmed people's physical and spiritual health, and even lives

In Li Hongzhi's idea, "people are practicing to increase their karmic forces all their life, and it is their karma that causes their pains, miseries, torment, illnesses and lack of money in this and the next incarnation. Only by paying your karma can you get happiness and ferry well." ("Falun Fofa—preaching in the United State", P10) "People's karmic debt causes illnesses and disasters, and suffering from illness and disasters is the way to reduce karma." ("Zhuan Falun" 'Treating Illnesses', 'Medical Treatment and Qigong') "Taking pills, which pushes karma back, cannot clear the body and therefore will not cure people. As long as you passed this, you would be s superman." ("Falun Fofa—preaching in the United States", P14) Some ill practitioners, deceived by Li's absurd theory, didn't go to hospitals, nor did they take pills or injections. Some of them died when it was too late for medical treatment. There were such reports in Hangzhou, Beijing, Xi'an, and so on. Li claimed that practicing Falun Gong would give people "heaven's eyes", "enabling them to see something others cannot see". He said that "people with a high level of heaven's eyes can penetrate our space to see the other space-time and something normal people cannot see; while people without a high level of heaven eyes can penetrate a wall and human's body." ("Zhuan Falun", P44) Many practitioners in hope of working miracles believed this, but they ended up mentally disordered or insane. According to the Sixth Hospital of Beijing Medical University (Mental Health Institute), in 1998, one fifth of practitioners with mental illness got ill because of practicing Falun Gong into frenzy. From the so-called investigation materials provided by Falun Gong general tutoring station of Beijing, we could also see this kind of people with mental illness.

IV. The mass of people were organized to stir up trouble, to oppose media's publicity of atheism and management of administrative departments of government in accordance with law, and to besiege the press and publication organizations and some other departments

Li Hongzhi's illegal preaching activities aroused attention of the relevant governmental departments, the Buddhist Association of China, China Association of Qigong Science and various organizations in the society. The Ministry of Public Security, General Administration of Press and Publication, the Buddhist Association of China, China Association of Qigong Science all made decisions or criticized Li Hongzhi and "Falun Fofa". However, Li Hongzhi and his Falun Gong organization, completely ignoring these decisions and criticisms, went on with the publication of Li's works and preaching activities. Li, regarding all these criticisms in his works and preaching as "demon is interfering", told his practitioners to stand various tests, and not to believe in or preach them. As the disciples said, "there is nothing to be afraid of. Even if we were beheaded, our body would still be meditating." ("Falun Fofa—the keynote for improvement", P94) The Buddhist Association of China published an article in both "Research Development", the internal publication, and "The Voice of Dharma", a publicly published magazine, defining Falun Gong as a cult attached to Buddhism. Some local publications, such as "Qiantang Weekend" also exposed its nature. The Religious Culture Publishing House published a book called "Qigong of Buddhism and 'Falun Gong'". In response to these publications, Falun Gong practitioners were systematically organized to complain in letters to relevant governmental departments, Buddhist Association Chairman Zhao Puchu, and to the leaders of the Central government. And these letters were handed out in the society, which brought pressure on the Buddhist Association of China, the Religious Culture Publishing House and other relevant governmental departments. General Administration of Press and Publication and the first Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security reported "Falun Gong" issue and their activities in internal briefing and announcement, or asked local departments to pay attention, both of which received strong opposition from Li Hongzhi and his organization. They issued directions in internet and among practitioners, claiming that relevant departments must take responsibilities. Some local departments of the Party and the government were besieged by practitioners for interfering with their activities after they found out that Falun Gong propagandized superstition, severely damaged the construction of socialist spiritual civilization and people's mental health, and even caused people's insanity or death. Guangming Daily, Beijing Daily, China Youth Daily, Health News, Beijing Television Station and other media organizations were also besieged by Falun Gong practitioners for publishing news or articles on criticizing Li Hongzhi and "Falun Fofa". This year, an article entitled "It's not Good for Teenagers to Practice Qigong" by He Zuoxiu in "Science Review for Juvenile", sponsored by Tianjin Normal University, criticized Falun Gong. Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners from Tianjin, Tangshan and the Northeast, encouraged by Tianjin Falun Gong organization, besieged Tianjin Normal University for seven days from April 17 to April 23. On the evening of April 23, after being persuaded to leave by policemen and armed police officers, about a thousand Falun Gong practitioners went to the headquarters of Tianjin Committee of the Party to make trouble. The excuses they put forward were groundless, but they could still instigate the mass, which was really worth notice. If we didn't take measures immediately, Li Hongzhi and his Falun Gong organization would create more serious trouble.

From above we can see that Falun Gong organization is neither a Qigong Group nor a religious one. It includes all the main features of overseas cult organization, and Li Hongzhi intends to be a new supreme bishop in the world. One of the important reasons why organizations or activities like "Falun Gong" could not be effectively and timely prohibited is that the relevant government departments did not have clear-cut responsibilities and did not do enough to investigate, expose, criticize and punish them. Therefore, we suggest that the relevant government departments should be organized as soon as possible to conduct an investigation into Li Hongzhi, his Falun Gong as well as their activities, which, if confirmed to be illegal, must be banned and put down. In the meantime, in order to deal with pseudo-scientific, pseudo-Qigong and feudal and superstitious organizations and activities, policies, rules and regulations should be stipulated to clarify the responsibilities of government departments in charge. We should support theoretical, scientific and technical as well as the press circles to timely and thoroughly expose the absurdity, deceit and harm of these organizations and activities, so as to promote the publicity of atheism and the construction of socialist spiritual civilization.

Note: this article, attachment of a letter Ren Jiyu, He Zuoxiu, Du Jiwen, Li Shen, Guo Zhengyi, Duan Qiming wrote to the leaders of the Central Committee, was finalized on April 24, 1999. The six people worked together on the theme, and it was Duan Qiming who drafted the article.

(Kaiwind, June 30, 2006)
