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湖北破获法轮功造谣污蔑案 文章及照片都是捏造(中英对照)

2007-11-16 来源:新华网





































Falun Gong fabricates article 'Falun Gong disciples receive cruel torture' on internet

On August 19th 2004, a "Falun Gong" Internet site named "Minghui" published an article with the title: Inhuman torment to Liao Yuanhua of Hubei Shayang Fanjiatai Prison.

Less than two weeks, on September 2nd, "Minghui" published an article named "The Inhuman torment Demonstration of Liao Yuanhua in Hubei Shayang Fanjiatai Prison" with 17 counterfeit photos and explanatory texts, the pictures and texts were "luxuriantly showed" nearly "30 kinds of cruel tortures" mentioned above. This was another masterpiece which was planned, organized, commanded by "Falun Gong" cult, it drove the diehard disciples fabricated lies, concocted the fake photo, and made rumors and slanders abroad to decry our government.

"Falun Gong" needs lies

Liao Yuanhua, 47 years old, became an "organized and utilized the cult to destroy the law and implement the crime" criminal in February of 2001 and sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment for 4 years. 

On June 9th 2004, Liao Yuanhua was released and lodged in his brother-in-law Yu Jibin's house. News passed quickly to other "Falun Gong" disciples Shi Liping, Wu Yonghong, etc. Soon after Liao YuanHua went home, Shi Liping, Wu Yonghong, Zhang Wenfang, Lan Guowen etc. came to visit him stealthily in succession. 

Shi Liping with computer specialty told Liao Yuanhua, "Minghui" Website was collecting the so-called "persecuted" materials of "Falun Gong" disciples everywhere in September of 2001.

Liao Yuanhua's understood it quickly: Li Hongzhi had said disciples should visit "Minghui" Website to know the attitudes on important issues, so Liao Yuanhua determined to offer an rumored article to "Minghui" Website at the request of Li Hongzhi.

In order to concoct this "Heavy Article", Shi Liping, Wu Yonghong, Zhu Jianxun,etc. talked with Liao Yuanhua secretly. According to the memory of Yu Jibin, the time of discuss each time was very long, once they came in at 8 o'clock in the evening and went out at 5 o'clock in the next morning.

The article had been written out through numerous planning. Liao Yuanhua looked for Zhu Jianxun and Wu Yonghong to "solicit their opinions", and then Wu Yonghong passed the article to Shi Liping. Shi Liping suggested it was better to use the third-person form to make the article "more objective" and helped add some shock words in the beginning and the end. Then Liao Yuanhua read it and "feel quite good" and thought it "could strengthen the appeal of the article", so he agreed Shi Liping to send the article to "Minghui" Website.

"Minghui" Website just like found a treasure when they received the article, then published an article named "Inhuman torment to Liao Yuanhua of Hubei Shayang Fanjiatai Prison" on August 19th. This article were quoted by other "Falun Gong" Websites like "Yuming" etc., moreover, the title was revised to "Suffered nearly 30 kinds cruel torture, Liao Yuanhua defied brutal suppression".

"Falun Gong" needs fake photos

3 days later, Shi Liping told Liao Yuanhua that the "Master" had new command: To collect the mainland disciples' simulation photos of being persecuted.

"Minghui" Website sent out the order and required domestic "Falun Gong" disciples to offer fake photos of being persecuted, hinted them undisguisedly that they could play tricks and make rumors: "Please develop your own intelligence."

Through planning, Liao Yuanhua, et al. determined to make and offer fake photos. According to the command of "develop your own intelligence" in "Minghui" Website, Liao Yuanhua borrowed a digital camera; Wu Yaqin sent for 3 pairs of liberates shoes; Without police uniform, Wu Yonghong looked for somebody to borrow a traffic uniform to replace; Chen Ronghua brought two medical work clothes; Yu Jibin even found out the iron chain which lock the wooden handcart in his family and imitated it as the fetters creatively.

Yu Shaojun, Liao Yuanhua's 23 years old nephew, was responsible for photographing. He divided it into 3 times: The first time, Liao Yuanhua, Wu Yonghong, Yu Jibin and Yu Shaojun came to a brick and tile factory near the house of Yu Jibin, When the workers of the brick and tile factory worked busily, they photographed a group of brick and tile factory's photos hurriedly, and then ran away.

Liao Yuanhua, Lan Guowen, Wu Yonghong, Chen Ronghua, Yu Jibin and Yu Shaojun came to Yu Jibin's house again on that night, and photographed the scene that Liao Yuanhua rehearsed formerly. Liao Yuanhua guided other 5 people act as doctor, prisoner and jailer, and photographed some fake photos of so-called "rack plane", "play on a swing", "coat hanger hit the head" etc., they busied with it till midnight. On the night of the next day, 6 people continued working with it and rehearsed various "cruel tortures" made up by Liao Yuanhua.

They had photographed more than 100 photos totally, and Liao Yuanhua let Yu Shaojun "synthesize" them. Yu Shaojun confessed later that the so-called "synthesize" mainly was to shear, intercept, combine and concatenate. Such as later on "Minghui" Website published two photos of "firebrick and baked gun", those were synthesized by 4 photos: included 2 photos of the outdoor scene of brick and tile factory, 2 photos of Yu Jibin "wrestled" with Liao Yuanhua which were photographed in Yu Jibin's house, then they "substituted the photos stealthily" to merge two "real" photos of brick and tile factory.

Such kind of photos had altogether synthesized more than 20 pieces. After finished, Liao Yuanhua and Yu Shaojun brought the photos to Shi Liping's house hurriedly. By chose the "excellent in excellent", 3 people had confirmed 17 photos and spent two nights to do some later stage works like writing the photo demonstrations etc.

Under the logic of "Only say what benefits Falun Gong", an outright lie came out.

After confirmed flawlessly, Shi Liping sent the concoctive photos to "Minghui" Website according to the operation manual she learned in "Minghui" Website.

On September 2nd, "Minghui" Website published an article named "The Inhuman torment Demonstration of Liao Yuanhua in Hubei Shayang Fanjiatai Prison" with 17 fake photos.

Liao Yuanhua: The articles and photos were fabricated.

Concern with the case of collusion domestically and aboardly and rumoring by "Falun Gong", the public security organ of Hubei Wuxue organized picked troops to launch investigation rapidly. The case was cracked on December 2nd, and all of 11 personnel concerning the cases such as Liao Yuanhua etc. were caught.

Liao Yuanhua confessed in the watch house, "The article and photos were fabricated."

Liao Yuanhua confessed that the photos published on "Minghui" Website was to promote "Falun Gong" and to expand its influence.

In fact, not only the fact was fictitious, but also the photos were fake.

A "cruel torture" photo named so-called "play on a swing", according to the confession of Yu Shaojun, was synthesized by 5 photos actually: 2 photos of empty beds, the 3 fixed hanging body photos of Liao Yuanhua were synthesized by using 3 photos of head, leg and mid body respectively. Finally, 5 photos synthesized to 1 photo, and the sheath of the fetters was "drawn" on the computer by using the photo editing software.

There were also some rumors and fake photos which created something out of nothing appeared everywhere in this article of "Minghui" Website, like "rack plane", "hit the head", "forbid to go to toilet" and "inject the unidentified medicine".

Liao Yuanhua said, "Recall on the days of the prison, prison leaders and the cadres tried their best to save me, my cotton-padded jacket was broken, they sent the new cotton-padded jacket to me; on my birthday, they sent the birthday cake to me; when my child's college entrance examination was passed, the prison leaders contributed and subsidized him to go to university; they cared about my study and dailylife, and bought the harmonica for me, bought the glasses for me, and lent books to me.

But all of these were forgotten by Liao Yuanhua at that time, he said, "when I was infatuated in 'Falun Gong', the only behavioral standard was to do what Li Hongzhi required us to do, I couldn't distinguish right from wrong, and finally lost myself.

Shi Liping was bitter too, "I will never visit the so-called 'Minghui' Website because it made the fake too much. The dust threw into my eyes, and this fall made me shock.

Yu Shaojun sighed deeply, "The 'Falun Gong' addicts such as me were only a tool, a victim in his (Li Hongzhi) hand. He held the sign of "truthfulness, benevolence and forbearance", but let us to do the things of rumoring and slandering!

However, these things of rumoring and slandering were the splendid sensationalizing subject in Li Hongzhi's view.

Many websites of "Falun Gong" such as "Epochtimes" offered cooperation immediately after the article and the photos were published on "Minghui" Website on August 19th and September 2nd, and then they quoted them one after another as well as sensationalized them without restraint.

The lie is a lie eventually, and all dark tricks will disappear in a flash under the sunshine finally.

(Xinhua, December 27, 2004)
